
The Marrakech Earthquake

Unexpectedly, when you’re traveling, one thing you may not anticipate is encountering natural disasters. That was certainly the case for us. On September 8, 2023, at 11:11 PM, we were enjoying the final night of our trip to Marrakech. Suddenly, we sensed something was off. It felt as if we were standing in the back of a rapidly moving car without seatbelts. This unsettling sensation lasted only a few seconds, but the cries of fear from fellow travelers in our shared Riad hotel echoed through the air.

Curiosity led us outside to check on everyone’s well-being, and thankfully, everyone was unharmed. However, anything that had been hanging on the walls was now scattered on the floor, although in the midst of the panic, no one really thought about it.

The Riad we had been staying at made efforts to keep everyone calm. Fortunately, we still had electricity, and the walls remained intact.

It wasn’t until the following morning, as we rose at 7:00 AM to head to the airport, that we truly comprehended the extent of the damage. Below, you’ll find some photos documenting the aftermath.

What to do if an Earthquake warning has been given

For those of you who frequently travel and would appreciate some guidance on handling an earthquake, here’s a brief list of tips.

1. Stay Calm: The most important thing is to remain as calm as possible. Panic can lead to poor decision-making during an earthquake.

2. Stay Indoors: If you are indoors, stay there. Running outside can put you at risk from falling debris or glass.

3. Stay Away from Windows and Mirrors: Move away from windows, mirrors, glass, and anything that can shatter during the shaking.

4. If Outside, Move Away from Buildings: If you are outside, move to an open area away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires. These can collapse during an earthquake.

5. Expect a After Shock, this can either come in smaller or bigger then the original hit, dont get scared just make sure to relocate after the first shock.